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Solar Pool Service $284 (normally $294)

Solar Pool Service $284 (normally $294)

Solar Pool Service $284 (normally $294)

If your solar pool system is not working as you’d expect, maybe you need an assessment to see if a valve or sensor is working properly. Or do you notice the trees have grown up to put more shade on your pool or solar collectors? It might be time to assess adding more solar collectors to overcome the shade that has grown with time.

Sierra Pacific service professionals are specifically trained and skilled to provide service for your solar pool panels. Our solar pool professionals also have special and specific knowledge of the pool equipment and controls to ensure your program times and speeds for your pool pump operation are correct for optimal solar heating.

Here’s what you get:

• A specifically trained solar technician, that you will like and trust
• Professional 24pt. system “Tune-up”
• Install end caps and inspect connections on solar panels
• Check sensors, connections, valves and pumps
• Verify solar pool panel water flow and performance
• Program pool operation times and flow rates for optimal solar heating
• Written report of all work
• With this coupon, 5%discounts (*Cannot be combined with other offers)

SOLAR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT MEMBERSHIP NOTICE: If you become a Member of our Family Service Plan FSP (formerly known as the Planned Service Agreement PSA), we reserve your spring start-up date in our calendar. You have priority to the open appointment times from April 1 to May 31, and each spring we send our FSP Members an email with your date. We also reserve your winterization service plus you have even greater discounts than is on this coupon .

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Since 1984