Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Archive for January, 2022

Common Furnace Myths to Be Aware Of

Monday, January 24th, 2022

Did you know there are actually quite a few misconceptions out there regarding HVAC use that could be hurting your home’s efficiency? This means you might actually be paying more for your heating needs and your cooling needs than necessary.

Read on as we uncover some of these misconceptions, or myths, to help you better understand what contributes to the efficiency of your home comfort systems.

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Is Your Furnace Working as Efficiently as Possible?

Monday, January 10th, 2022

Winter is officially upon us, and while we may not experience as bitterly cold of temperatures compared to our friends or family in the midwest and northeast, we still need our furnaces on a pretty regular basis.

Of course, running our heaters all season long doesn’t always seem like the most affordable choice, even though we know we deserve comfort, right?

Well, what if we told you there was a way to increase your comfort, decrease your utility bills, and never sacrifice your heater use? There are a few ways, actually! Read on to learn how you can boost furnace efficiency to stay comfy all winter long while reducing your energy bills.

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