Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Roseville’

Does Your Home Need a Whole-House Generator?

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Unexpected power outages can happen at any time of the year. You can be left without power for hours, days, or even weeks if a catastrophe is bad enough. But you don’t have to face many of the inconveniences of a power outage when you have a whole-house generator in place ahead of time.

Give our team a call today to schedule your in-home assessment for a Generac installation in Roseville, CA. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about some of the basic things you need to know about a whole-house generator and why it’s the right solution for your home.

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Can a Dirty Air Filter Damage Your Heater?

Monday, December 27th, 2021

Neglecting to replace or clean your air filter every 1 to 3 months will create problems. While it won’t directly damage your heater, there are absolutely consequences to not changing the air filter on this routine basis, which we’ll cover below.

We are happy to help when customers call us for heating repair in Roseville, CA. But we are happier if we can help our customers prevent a need for a repair call. Consider this your reminder to take action if you are overdue on cleaning or replacing your air filter, and read on!

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Signs That Your Air Conditioner Is Struggling

Monday, July 26th, 2021

If there’s any home service you don’t want to put off, it’s air conditioning repair. This is because if you delay managing a small repair need, it can turn into a much bigger, and more urgent, repair need.

We understand your desire to wait. If your air conditioner is still running, just maybe not as well as you think it should be, you probably don’t want to shell out any extra summer vacation money on fixing it. But waiting could mean a complete air conditioner breakdown or shelling out even more money to replace your AC prematurely.

We’re not trying to be dramatic, only to highlight the importance of prompt AC repairs. But how do you know when you need those repairs? Well, we’ve shared some signs for you to watch out for below!

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How to Use Your Cooling System Efficiently

Monday, May 18th, 2020

outside-unit-of-air-conditionerSummertime is just around the corner, making right now a great time to start thinking about the ways in which you can boost energy efficiency. During the season when you need your air conditioner the most, it’s important that you get the most out of it, right?

When your cooling system is working as efficiently as possible, you won’t need to worry about costly energy bills—sure, HVAC system use accounts for about half of all energy use, but what we mean is that you won’t have to worry about your energy bills being astronomically higher than they should be.

And the best part is that there are some simple steps you can take to start using your AC system more efficiently.

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Can Outdoor Temperatures Affect Your HVAC System?

Monday, May 20th, 2019


Air conditioners are designed to perform at their highest efficiency even during the hottest summers—given that they’re properly maintained, that is. If not, it would be like if you were forced to go run a marathon while recovering from an injury!

If your air conditioner is suffering from a repair issue or hasn’t had maintenance in years, it could very well suffer performance issues from intense heat.

However, there are other times when the weather can affect the system, in both summer and in winter. Here are a few examples:

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Try Starting With a Solar Water Heater

Monday, April 8th, 2019

solar-water-heaterWe understand that making the switch from your current electrical system to a solar energy system is a big leap for some homeowners. Going from what’s familiar to having giant solar panels on your roof overnight is a big change!

And we also know that a lot of people would feel better if they could make baby steps toward solar energy. Lucky for them, they can do just that by starting with their water heater. Keep reading and we’ll explain:

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3 Reasons to Replace Your AC Now

Monday, June 18th, 2018

new-air-conditioning-systemAs a homeowner, thinking that you need to replace your AC now, on top of everything else on your to-do list, is about as enjoyable as considering a root canal. It’s likely something you hadn’t planned on doing, and your wallet will take a serious hit. Then again, ignoring the warnings signs can also be costly and become even more expensive the longer you delay action. In the case of your AC, that’s why you want to know for sure when it’s time to install a new system. We’ll discuss three signs below indicating you need to replace your AC.  

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