Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Sacramento’

Is Your Tap Water Safe to Drink? 

Monday, June 10th, 2024

You may think that your tap water is perfectly safe to drink. It probably doesn’t look dirty or taste bad. However, there are microscopic particles – sometimes referred to as forever chemicals – in your drinking water that can be very harmful to your health. You deserve clean drinking water in Sacramento, CA.

Instead of trying to fill up small pitchers of drinking water, we recommend that you invest in a water purification system that is a whole-house solution to cleaning your water. You can keep reading to learn more about why you might want to purify your home’s water and the difference that a whole house purifier can make for your family. 

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Tips to Help You Prepare for AC Installation

Monday, May 27th, 2024

If you’re planning for a new AC installation, congratulations! Even though it’s a big project, it’s exciting to have a new HVAC unit that it is highly energy efficient with a long lifespan ahead of it. But how do you prepare for the day of installation?

You can keep reading to learn a few steps you can complete to get your home and family ready for the removal of your old unit and your new central air installation in Sacramento, CA. If you have any questions about the steps that you need to take ahead of time, just give our team a call and we can help. 

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4 Benefits of a Solar Attic Fan

Monday, April 15th, 2024

If you’ve been thinking about ways to improve your indoor air quality, a solar attic fan may be just the solution you are seeking. You can keep reading to learn more about for benefits of a solar attic fan and how these unique add-ons work to improve your indoor air quality.

Solar attic fans in Sacramento, CA are a popular choice. Give our team a call to set up your in-home assessment where we can review how a solar attic fan would be set up in your home and how it would work with your existing HVAC system.

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What SEER2 Rating Is Good for an AC?

Monday, March 18th, 2024

When it is time to install a new air conditioner, one of the most important factors to consider when selecting a unit is the SEER2 rating. Having an energy-efficient air conditioner will make a huge difference in its efficiency and effectiveness over the 10 to 15 year lifespan.

You can give our team a call when you’re ready to schedule an appointment for AC installation in Sacramento, CA. We can help you select an air conditioner that fits your needs and has great energy efficiency. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about SEER2 and what ratings are considered good.

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How Replacing Your Windows Saves You Money for the Next 15-30 Years

Monday, January 8th, 2024

One of the biggest costs in your home is heating and cooling. It feels like it gets more expensive every single year, and guess what? It is. Even when your energy rates stay the same, you might be using more power than before just to keep your home at desirable temperatures. There’s a reason for that.

Your windows could be outdated and drafty. See, when your neighbors hire us for window replacement in Sacramento, CA, we find that they’re basically siphoning their own cool air in the middle of summer, and dumping it outside through their windows. You want potential decades of savings just by replacing your windows? Good. Here’s how that works.

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These Heat Pump Repairs Might Surprise You

Monday, December 11th, 2023

You know that in the span of your heat pump’s life cycle, you’re going to run into some repairs from time to time. That’s okay, it’s expected, but these specific repairs that we’re going to talk about today? They might surprise you.

We’ve seen just about everything there is to see throughout all our years of heating repair in Sacramento, CA, and we want to offer our unique perspective to you right now. Here’s what you should look out for.

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3 Ways Home Water Filtration Improves Your Everyday Life

Monday, November 13th, 2023

Water is arguably the most important thing in your home. Clean, crisp tap water should flow from your faucets with ease. It also impacts your general health, skin, and hair health, and depending on how you heat your home, keeps the heat going as well.

But you already have tap water, so why does water filtration in Sacramento, CA even need to exist as a service? Let’s break it down and how filtered water helps improve your everyday life in multiple ways.

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3 Immediate Benefits of Choosing a Ductless Air Conditioning System

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

Ductless air conditioning gets a lot of praise, and for good reason–it’s being chosen over central air conditioning systems by homeowners all across California. When you read about the benefits of a specific type of HVAC system, they’re usually something about the long-term savings–something you can’t enjoy right now. Instead, we want to show you how you can immediately benefit from going ductless. If you’re considering ductless air conditioning in Sacramento, CA, this is what you need to know.

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Get AC Maintenance Before Winter Hits

Monday, September 11th, 2023

It’s easy to simply forget about your air conditioner until you need it when summer hits, but it’s never a good idea. Your air conditioner needs proper maintenance so that when you start it up again, it doesn’t run into any problems. You’ll have a smooth, easy summer with your AC if you take care of it at the end of every season.

Our air conditioning service plan in Sacramento, CA makes it easy to stay on track with maintenance. Let’s talk about why it’s so important for you to keep up that maintenance even when it’s easy to forget about it.

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6 Reasons AC Tune Ups Save You Money

Monday, August 7th, 2023

Your air conditioner is reliable, kicks on every summer, and you haven’t had any problems with it. It works, but how efficient is it? How much are you paying each month for your utility bills?

If each month you dread seeing how much your utility bill is, you’re not alone. Many homeowners overpay for their monthly energy bills because they don’t get their AC tune up in Sacramento, CA when they’re supposed to.

Let’s talk about all the ways that tune-up appointment, inconvenient as it can be, will save you money and ultimately keep your AC happier as well.

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