Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Installation’

How Long Does a Furnace Installation Take?

Monday, March 6th, 2023

Installing any heating system isn’t exactly a small feat. Think about the scheduling, installation times, and cleanup. It can be disruptive to your day and a bit daunting, but it doesn’t take as long as you think.

So, how much time do you really have to account for? When does the installation process end? Furnace installation in Rancho Cordova, CA doesn’t have to be a headache, so let’s walk you through the process right now and show you why.

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Signs You Need a New Furnace Soon

Monday, January 27th, 2020

vent-low-on-wallWouldn’t it be nice if our heating systems lasted forever? Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case.

But furnaces can last a long time—if they’re well maintained. Maintaining your furnace means being diligent about scheduling maintenance and repairs and having a basic knowledge of what to look for as signs something is amiss.

This is where we come in. We’ve provided below a guideline you can follow when considering if your furnace can get by with another repair, or if it’s better for system efficiency and your budget to go ahead and make a system upgrade.

Some of the problems listed below are more serious than others, and some alone don’t necessarily mean you have to replace your furnace right away. But when two or more of these problems are combined, it may be wise to consider a new heating system.

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