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Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog

Get AC Maintenance Before Winter Hits

It’s easy to simply forget about your air conditioner until you need it when summer hits, but it’s never a good idea. Your air conditioner needs proper maintenance so that when you start it up again, it doesn’t run into any problems. You’ll have a smooth, easy summer with your AC if you take care of it at the end of every season.

Our air conditioning service plan in Sacramento, CA makes it easy to stay on track with maintenance. Let’s talk about why it’s so important for you to keep up that maintenance even when it’s easy to forget about it.

You Can Prevent Expensive Repairs

Your AC just worked hard for the entire season. It’s the perfect time to spot problems caused by wear and tear, because if you let them sit there throughout the next six months, they can actually get worse.

Over time, wear and tear does its damage and leaves a mark. Tuning everything up now so that your AC is ready to rock and roll when next summer hits just puts you in the best possible position to avoid big repairs.

It May Help Your Heating in Winter

Maintenance also serves as a point of inspection. When your technician comes out to view your air conditioner, they also look at the ductwork that your air conditioner shares with your furnace. When ductwork runs into issues, it can leak warm air into your home, effectively wasting a large percentage of your heating budget and making your heater work harder than it needs to. This point of inspection indirectly helps your heater if a duct issue is discovered at the same time.

It Extends the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioner

Think of wear and tear as usage plus time. The less usage you require from your AC, the longer it should last, right? While it’s not as linear as all that, an AC that isn’t overworked tends to last longer and encounter fewer repair requests throughout its lifespan to boot.

Maintenance is when your technician helps your AC through various ways, such as lubricating moving metal parts, inspecting the electrical components, and ductwork–the works. When all your AC components play together in harmony, they’re effective, efficient, and don’t push your system past its limits.

It’s Convenient to Schedule AC Maintenance

We make scheduling your AC maintenance as simple as possible. We know it can feel like a hassle to set up a recurring annual appointment, but the benefits for your air conditioner are phenomenal, and help you cut down on costs in the long run across your daily utility usage and total repair expenses as well.

Call Today to Schedule Your Air Conditioner Maintenance

There’s no time like the present to call for air conditioning maintenance. Let’s get you set up on a favorable schedule now so you can rest assured that when summer rolls around again, as it always does, your air conditioner will be ready to go.

Contact us, Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc., and we’ll help with your AC maintenance before winter comes through. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.

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