Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Our Maintenance Plan’ Category

“Should I Invest in a Maintenance Program?”

Monday, January 11th, 2021

Would you think twice about taking your car in for maintenance or an oil change when it’s needed? True, 2020 was a time for a lot less driving for many folks—but just because it was sitting in wait doesn’t mean your car doesn’t need work. The same concept applies to your HVAC systems! Yet, many homeowners forget about scheduling this important service.

Routine annual heating (or cooling) maintenance is the leading way to keep your system running well—efficiently and effectively. It also reduces the need for costly repairs and helps the system last longer.

We often say that the best time to schedule maintenance is before you need the system the most. So your heater should be tuned-up in the fall and your air conditioner in the spring. But consistency is what matters the most here. You should be having maintenance done once a year for each of your comfort control systems (and twice a year if it’s a heat pump). The best way to stay on top of these maintenance appointments is by investing in a maintenance agreement. Read on to learn what this will afford you!

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What Are the Benefits of an HVAC Maintenance Program?

Monday, January 13th, 2020


If you’ve been following our blog, then you’ve probably seen us mention the importance of scheduling maintenance for your heater in the fall, and your air conditioner in the spring. These are the ideal times since they’re right before you need your respective home comfort system the most.

However, what’s most important is how consistently you have maintenance done—it should be once a year for central AC and heating systems, and twice a year for 2-in-1 heat pump and dual fuel systems. You can make sure you stay on top of these tune-ups by enrolling in a maintenance program. Curious? Read on to learn more!

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